Taken with a grain of salt and a dash of butter
A saying My uncle started an inside joke that runs through the whole family. Anyone who has ever been to the parties we served shrimp at, learned of the "3 Shrimp" rule. A silly rule to make sure that everyone at the party got shrimp because there was always "never enough." However, even then, not everyone ate shrimp so some people got seconds- or even thirds. Then came the follow-up line of "at a time." Someone would give the reminder at the table, "Only 3 shrimps," and the rest of us who knew the joke would laugh and go "at a time." This happens without fail and subconsciously I find myself always grabbing 3 shrimps at a time, even without the party and without my uncle. Watch your plate As funny as it may be- I started to think about this a little more literally. I'm not sure when, perhaps it had been on his deathaversary or when I saw that shrimp patterned oven-mit at a craft fair. B...