
Taken with a grain of salt and a dash of butter

 A saying     My uncle started an inside joke that runs through the whole family. Anyone who has ever been to the parties we served shrimp at, learned of the "3 Shrimp" rule.      A silly rule to make sure that everyone at the party got shrimp because there was always "never enough." However, even then, not everyone ate shrimp so some people got seconds- or even thirds. Then came the follow-up line of "at a time."     Someone would give the reminder at the table, "Only 3 shrimps," and the rest of us who knew the joke would laugh and go "at a time." This happens without fail and subconsciously I find myself always grabbing 3 shrimps at a time, even without the party and without my uncle.         Watch your plate     As funny as it may be- I started to think about this a little more literally. I'm not sure when, perhaps it had been on his deathaversary or when I saw that shrimp patterned oven-mit at a craft fair. B...

The square root of 16

 Four.     There are a lot of things in life that come in fours, whether its natural like the seasons, the elements, states of matter-- or manmade, like the different suits in a card deck, or TMNT coincidentally having four turtles as their main cast.     It's silly to know that if you multiply a number by itself you create what is known as a "perfect square." Squares has four right angles (Before someone tries to tell me that four sides doesn't prove it's a square). Despite the ideal that nothing is perfect; what's more perfect than two of the exact same thing? A direct copy of itself... and I think that's where there becomes a sense of competition between things that are similar but not the exact same. Books within the same genre- you love some, you hate some, but at the end of the day you will still say you love that genre. Food groups, you might love pasta but dislike pizza; that doesn't mean that Italian food is bad as a whole.     ...

Start the year off with a bang... right?

 The Ultimate Blog Challenge     A challenge to write every day for the month of January. As you read this, however, I am 2 days behind...      I go by Dani online and have recently given myself the online persona of "Literary Yapper"-- Even if I haven't done a lot of yapping these past couple weeks. This is the new year and with this challenge, I can build better habits and keep my writing journey a float.      I am apart of a company called Seeking Self Love  - which gives space and opportunities for those to see what self love is and can be. We have a blog that shares our stories and while I am a writer there, I made this blog site to isolate myself when posting about this challenge because it did not seem all that fair to the owner of SSL to share one site where 2 or more people talk about the same topic. We may be working on building ourselves as a company better this year but our hearts seem to be in the right place.    ...